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Eagles are known for their incredible sight, or vision. This powerful visual clarity is produced by a special oil that eagles have in their eyes. The oil mixes in with their tears, constantly washing over the eye when the eagle looks into the sun; therefore, enabling them to see 3-4 times further than normal. They are even able to see fish beneath the water. As we seek God, our eyes too will be washed by the anointing of the Word so that we can see further and clearer. When we fix our eyes on Jesus, our role within God's will becomes clear. Many Christians today are oblivious to God’s bigger picture in regard to His redemptive work, which ultimately minimizes their ability to impact more, grow in God more, and love more. Solomon saw a connection between the Word and vision, proclaiming, “Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; but happy is he who keeps the law” (Proverbs 28:19 NKJV). Vision that is birthed in devotion to the Word establishes order, which directs us down a path that is ordained by God.

The book of Habakkuk is a good example of yielding to the word of God so that we will not become discouraged and abort the will of God in our lives. The prophet is distressed by the hardness of Judah’s heart. It is easy to lose sight of the vision God has placed in our heart if we are bound by the reactions of others. But, in the midst of Habakkuk’s frustration and doubt, God makes His faithfulness clear: “Look among the nations and watch-be utterly astounded! For I will work a work in your days which you would not believe, though it were told you” (Habakkuk 1:5 NKJV). Vision is rooted in faith. It has the power to make the unseen visible and make the unknown possible. The potential in our vision is unlimited, because we serve a God who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us” (Ephesians 3:20). As we rest in God’s ability and faithfulness in our lives, we will be able to overcome the hindrances of our vision and bring it to pass.

God has a plan for our lives, a vision to carry out, and He promises that it will not tarry (Habakkuk 2:3). Long lasting success stories are always started by a vision that can see from beginning to end. Knowing this, how much more successful is a vision that comes from an all knowing God? Isaiah 46:9-10 states that God “[declares] the end from the beginning,” and that His counsel shall stand. Furthermore, it is important to understand that our vision can only be established when it is connected to God’s purpose for our lives. This revelation will keep us from stretching ourselves thin with “other works.” Ephesians 2:10 makes it clear that “we are created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” As we develop more in God, our focus will shift from a multitude of good works to powerful God-works that fulfill the purpose of our existence.

Now, we have covered two components of vision: devotion to God’s Word and faith. The implications of these two components bring about a God-ordained vision that will fulfill our purpose as conduits of God’s Kingdom. However, there is a foundation to

these God-works that our vision produces. It has to do with God’s nature and character. When we line up in agreeance with God’s nature and character, His true desire can be formed in our lives. He is love, and our faith that is required to walk in God’s plan for our lives is to be rooted and grounded in love (Ephesians 3:17). Therefore, compassion must be the driving force behind the vision. Compassion was the driving force of Jesus’ life, and it is what produced life changing miracles. Jesus had a burning passion for the Father’s will that remained in Him from start to finish. Passion is the fuel to persistence, and enables us to focus on God’s assignment in our lives.The Bible says that Jesus’ sights were fixed on joy, which enabled Him to endure the cross. In Luke 9:51 it is written that “when the time had come for Him to be received up, that He steadfastly set His face to go to Jerusalem.” Though there was much persecution, suffering, and pain awaiting Jesus, He joyously and steadfastly set His sights on carrying out God’s assignment. We must not be moved by the circumstances around us -- or what is seen by the natural eye, because greater than the gift of sight is the gift of vision that God has placed in us to fulfill His purpose in our lives regardless of any opposition.

God desires to work His power in each of our lives, and because of this, He gives us vision as we seek Him. In order for this vision to come to fruition, God must be the number one priority in our life. When we seek first the Kingdom of God, He has promised that all other things will be added to (Matthew 6:33). When we are in the will of God, we will automatically attract the resources and relationships needed to fulfill God’s purpose in our lives. Cultivating our environment is one of the ways we can reflect God’s image, which makes resources available for our vision. When our lives are submerged in a godly environment, we fulfill God’s desire to be in unity with our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. That is when others will know that Jesus was sent by the Father, because we will be one (John 17:21). Our vision we receive individually from God has global, Kingdom, implications tied to it. So, it is vital that we continue to stir up our vision through the Word, prayer, and fellowship, so that the promises of God may become a reality in our lives.


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