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Warren's new book, God Working With God:  Understanding God's Reciprocal Nature as the Greatest Key to True Intimacy.


Here are what some great men of God are saying about the book:


I have known Warren Hunter since he was a child and watched him grow up.  Since a young age he traveled and did missions work with his grandfather, Bernard Hunter, whom I would consider one of the great missionaries of our time. I am continually impressed with Warren's knowledge of the Hebrew language and concepts.  This man of God is full of the Word of God and has a unique revelation of the power of the Word.  I recommend that you take time to read this book.  I am convinced that it will bless you and draw you into greater intimacy with God.

Dr. Terry Law,   World Compassion Terry Law Ministries


In this world, God has no hands but yours and no voice but yours. In Warren Hunter’s book, God Working With God, he takes the power and simplicity of the gospel and reveals the workings of God in us and through us.

Mike Francen,  Francen World Outreach


I have been friends with Warren for several years.  I’ve always enjoyed his memory and revelation concerning the Word.  I can see within his life the evidence of how God is working in his life.  I believe within this book you will discover how and why God deals with us.

Dr. Gary Smalley, author of I Promise 

God Working with God - Book

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