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Confidence is a valuable attribute that changes one's whole outlook on life.  When a person is confident, they can go about life with energy and enthusiasm.  Most everyone would admit that they would like to have more confidence.  The question that comes to mind is, how does one become more confident?


In Growing in Confidence, Warren Hunter explores the spiritual journey that all Christians undertake in developing their confidence in God, a journey that begins and ends with Jesus Christ, the foundation of confidence.


God is raising the level of Christ consciousness among His body.  He is bringing His body into the reality that they are seated in heavenly places as joint-heirs with Christ.  But they cannot look to the left or the right, and they cannot look to the things of the world.  The days of trusting in the arm of the flesh are over.


Now is the time for His body to make a quality decision that they will not trust in the things of this world, but put their confidence in God alone.

Growing in Confidence - Ebook

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