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Apostle is the word Apostlos used during the Grecko Period.  It is connected with sea voyages and military expeditions. Later it designates the fleet itself.   Apostolos was a term of great honor. It depicts a person who is personally selected, commissioned and set on an assignment on behalf of a very powerful government or individual.  


Apostolos also signified the leader or commander of an expedition. 


Herodotus (1.21) employed Apostolos on occasion to denote a “minister” or “messenger”.  In the third century we see this word used as a messenger of the king. The apostle is not just sent off he is empowered, invested with authority and then dispatched to accomplish a specific task

The Apostolic ministry includes



  • Going into territory where the church is non-existent
  • Dealing with aggressive and hostile governments
  • Facing the opposition of false religions opposed to one‟s presence.
  • Pushing the evil forces of the demonic realm out of the way
  • Taking converts from the bleakness and blackness of paganism and turning them into living, breathing members of the body of Christ.
  • Apostle where “team leaders that arrived with a divine (sent) mandate and vision establishing a new Christ centric ecclesia (called out ones) to bring the kingdom of God (heaven on earth) in territories.  This pioneering, adventurous, overseer, coordinator, visionary leader is to colonize a new region with the Word of God and kingdom of God culture.

Leading With Power through Apostolic Thrust - Ebook - Manual

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