To all my dear Pastor friends, family, partners, associates, and other friends here are some thoughts to help you with staying permanently in a place of good health! I encourage you to get a hold of the resources that we have attached to each section below as they will help you in renewing your mind and receiving from God!
Speak revelation that equals the perfect love of Christ. Eph 4:15 remember the Word of faith in your mouth is energized by love. The perfect love of God drives out fear, cancer for example is a small spirit that is fueled by the energy of fear coming from others. This can include strange familiarity prophecies like what happened with Job’s 4 friends. Until the right voice from Elihu arose no breakthrough came in Job’s life.I decree the voice of healing is manifesting in and through you!See order CD Series (God in your Mouth) (Perception of Love) DVDs (Living in the Prophetic Spirit)
When an attack comes my way, too great for me to handle in the natural, I go to God First. Know that God tabernacles in you. Matthew 6:33, “Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all (healing, miracles) shall be added unto you.” See order CD series (Establishing Godhood Within) (First Fruits)
I secure the agreement of my healing with the most spiritually mature people that I know. When two or three agree in God the answer will always come. God agrees with his abiding Word in you. God agrees with God. See order Book (God Working With God) CD (Your asking must be in God)
Take steps to secure a strong spirit because the Bible says a strong spirit will sustain a man, Proverbs 18:14. That keeps you healthy. Jude 20 build yourself up, pray in tongues more, See order (Building a Strong Spirit series on Sword TV Ustream) Book (Supply of the Spirit)
I consider my position in God– is there any area in my life that I need to make adjustments according to the Word? Is there any unforgiveness or resentment? Maybe there is something God told me to do, but I held back. Check all your motives. “Create in me a clean heart, Oh God; renew a right spirit within me,” in light of the righteousness I have in God. Toxic angry unforgiving thoughts are attractive to evil spirits. Psalms 101:5 shows secret slander destroys. See order Book (Unlimited realm – Vol 2, unlimited love, forgiveness)
I determine to walk out the nature of God both in action and words by emanating the fragrance of Christ in all I do. For God so loved, He gave. In love, God has already promised He will take sickness and disease far away from you. When we walk out the nature of God we silence spiritual warfare. See order CD Series (The fragrance of Christ)
Proverbs 4:20 – I cultivate the habit of speaking the healing word out loud. God said bring me in remembrance of my Word! See order CD Series (God hears God) (God In Your Mouth)
I determine to keep an atmosphere of worship and thanksgiving around me and to all in my path that I can minister to. Worship locates God. “But He is ready to hear those who worship Him and do His will.” John 9:31. See order Book (Divine Attraction)
I continue to sow healing by releasing the tangible presence and healing power of God to others needing healing! Whatsoever a man sows that shall he reap. See order Book (Weightiness of God) Training Manual and DVDs (Increasing the Anointing) CD series (Tangible Christ)
I build supernatural connections with anointed men of God (James 5:14 “call the elders…”) who flow strongly in the healing anointing; I connect with them financially just as the women who made room for the man of God in 2 Kings 4. See order CD Series (Supernatural Connections for Supernatural Results) (Keys to Financial Revival)
I begin to establish a God environment in all I do and see. Partake of God’s divine nature in order to make all available room for a good Father like God to be attracted to Himself. I know that God will not deny Himself. God will deliver God. Isaiah 59:16 God jealously desires the spirit that He has made to dwell in you! See order CD Series (The Secret of God)
I know that healing is a process of God working with God. God knows what I know concerning His healing power in my life. God knows that I believe I have the Healer living inside of me. God knows that I know that in Him I live, move, and have my being. God knows, that I know, that He is attracted to the revelation of God within me.See order CD Series (The Nature of Miracles) (Miracles in Motion) .
I choose to position myself in a place of sanctification, holiness, and total obedience to God knowing that this attracts God. Miracles come with instructions and there is a harvest waiting on the other side of obedience. (I am the Holy of Holies) See order CD Series (God working with God: Holiness) (God working with God: Righteousness)
This also may mean that I have to fast and spend meal times in the bread of life instead of natural food, or through wisdom hear the word of the Lord concerning dietary changes. Remember the Word says in the day that you fast, healing will spring forth speedily.See order CD Series (The Power of Fasting)
Yield to the intercession of Jesus. Yield to His prayers. Yield to His lovingkindness and grace. His Goodness is shining down on you, His prayers are working in you. See Order CD Series (Receive the Intercession of Jesus)
Guard your heart from soulish prophetic entanglements from people who eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, this leads to death. A stranger’s voice can come through prophecies from familiarity. Ask God for help to hear the voice of the shepherd that brings the voice of God’s life from the Tree of Life See order CD Series (Tuning into the Voice of God ) (Ishmael or Isaac Miracle)
Keep the voice of sympathy and empathy at a distance. This is a big stumbling block for empathy preachers who lean on the Hagar (Egyptian) medical system! Keep the voice of compassion which produces supernatural results close. Discerning the difference in this area can either produce a Ishmael miracle or Isaac miracle See order CD Series (Crucifixion of Empathy)
I thank God in Jesus Christ that I see miracles every day! For prayer email us at info@swordministries.org
In His Love Apostle Warren Hunter www.swordministries.org